C. J. Kaufman Insrance Agency - 24 Mogk St.
Charlie Kaufman was long a familiar figure in the sport and business life of our community. He opened his insurance agency in 1928, but found time to ensure the success of many ventures in our village, such as the Reunion of 1930, the Centennial of 1948, the Tavistock Band, the local platoon of the Oxford Rifle, and the Rink Company. He acted as conveyancer, income tax consultant, Notary Public and Clerk of Division Court. After Mr. Kaufman's death, Mrs. Audrey Routly took over the agency on February 1, 1966, and now operates it under the name of C. J. Kaufman Insurance Agency. Mrs. Routly had served as secretary to Mr. Kaufman for the previous 15 years.
E. A. Kalbfleisch Insurance
The agency was tarted under the present management in 1920, at which time the insurance business of the late Wm. Appel, located above Staebler's jewelry store, was also taken over. During the years the business has expanded so that all lines of insurance are written: fire, accident, automobile, theft, burglary, hail, windstorm, boiler, bond etc. The agency is conducted by Emerson Kalbfleisch from his home at the corner of William and Oxford Streets, opposite the United Church.
Morgenroth Limited - 27 Woodstock St. S.
On Feb. 18, 1918 Mr. P.W. Morgenroth, clerk in the local post-office, began selling insurance on a part-time basis. The present office used to belong to George Staeb ler and Levi Wildfang, who carried on a farm implement and supply business. About 1923, Andrew Baechler purchased the property, renting part of it to Stanley Ogden, harness-maker, and to John "Dick" Keutsch, variety sto re proprietor. The harness shop later became the barber shop of Ralph Graviston. In 1942, it became the first up-town office of Morgenroth's Insurance Agency. In 1955, the premises were expanded to the present form. Former conveyancers whose names appear on documents in the Village are: Valentine Stock, Henry Mansz, Adam E. Roth, Ed. Roth. In 1936, Paul Morgenroth joined the firm as salesman. The staff has included Ruth Currah, Erna Battalato, Marie Kaufman, Ruth Price, Mrs. A. Routly and the late Robert Matheson, her father. The present secretary is Mrs. Ivy Melbourne, who joined the firm in 1948, and in 1966 became a partner in Morgenroth Limited, formed on Dec. 31, 1948. A second office was opened at 129 Peel Street, New Hamburg, with Harry Lieskau as associate. He had been the superintendent of Dominion Linseed Oil Company, and was the son-in-law of H.N. Roth, a former reeve of Tavistock. The firm celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special page in the Tavistock Gazette of March 22, 1967.
The South Easthope Farmers' Mutrual Fire Insurance Co.
- Miss M. Caister, Mr. Ed. Pellow
Organization took place on October 6, 1871, but business did not start until the charter from the Province of Ontario took effect on Dec. 8, 1871. The company consisted of a small group of farmers, banded together to furnish fire and lightning protection. The first name of the company was The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the Township of South Easthope. It served not only this township but also East Zorra, and later included North Easthope, West Zorra, Blandford, East Oxford, West Oxford, North Oxford, Wilmot, Ellice Full arton, Mornington, Elma, Wellesley, Downie and Logan.
Its first Board of Directors consisted of: Henry Wettlaufer, John Stein, Werner Yungblut, Henry Roth, John Weicker, John Mueller and Lorenz Arnold. Samuel Zurbrigg was the first secretary-treasurer and took the minutes in German. The meetings were held in the hotel at Sebastopol. Later Robert Reid held this office.
In 1886 the name became the present one.
The business of the company was carried out in the home of the secretary-treasurer until 1889 when Mr. Wm. S. Russell took over these duties. His office was located at the present site, in a two-storey, metal covered building at the corner of Woodstock and Jane Streets. In 1931 , the Company purchased the building from the W.S. Russell Estate. In 1967, the old building was demolished and a handsome new edifice raised in its place.

The underwriting powers of the Company were increased in 1884, when permission was granted to insure schools, churches, and later, urban and suburban properties. In 1957, these were extended to include additional perils, and later, household theft and collision.
The Company began business with 92 policyholders and $125,000 at risk. It has grown rapidly to its present membership of 2800 policyholders with over $65,000,000 at risk. It is now the sixth largest company of its kind in Ontario.
From 1871 until 1925 a yearly assessment was levied, based on the losses of that year. After 1925 a standard yearly rate was set, based on the average losses and the administration costs. The Company still operates on this basis, thus providing insurance at cost to its members.
The personnel has not changed greatly. In 1931, Mr. Edwin Caister was appointed secretary-treasurer to be followed by his daughter Miss Marguerite in 1942. In 1966, Mr. Edward Pellow was added as manager. The Board of Directors at present has nine members; the number of insurance underwriters is five.
Orr Insurance Agency Ltd.
Early in 1967, one of the agents of this Stratford firm, Mr. Philip Forbes, came to reside in Tavistock at 204 Woodstock St. N. His agency underwrites general insurance.