Fact & Fantasy: A History of Tavistock & District County of Oxford - Page 8


County of Oxford
Atlas of Oxford County - Walker and Miles - 1876
"Of the 'few acres of snow' ceded by France to England in 1759, no portion presents to the eye of the tourist or agriculturist so inviting an appearance as the County of Oxford. It more resembles the Midland counties of England than any other section of country on this side of the Atlantic. Tha annual shipment to England and to the American markets make it plain that the hardier fruits, such as apples, quinces and pears are not only a certain but an abundant and profitable crop."

"The township of Oxford was surveyed in 1793 but was part of the County of Norfolk, which a few years later composed, with the counties of Oxford and Middlesex, the District of London, with one member to the 1800-1804 Parliment.

In 1798 an act was passed for the better division of this province (38 - Geo. III, chap. v) from which we extract the following:
The townships of Burford, Norwich, Dereham, Oxford on the Thames, Blanford and Blenheim do constitute and from the County of Oxford with one member from 1820-1840; 1851, the Hon F. Hincks. After this the county was divided into North and South Ridings. In 1867 the member for the North Riding was Thomas Oliver Esq. of Woodstock; for the South Riding the Hon. George Brown. After Confederation in the Legislature of Ontario, the North Riding in 1875 returned the Hon. Mr. Oliver Mowat without Opposition."

County of Oxford Map

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