Fact & Fantasy: A History of Tavistock & District | Organizations - Page 105-106 |
ORGANIZATIONS Tavistock A.F. & A.M. Lodge - by Dr. John K. FisherNo one knows how long Masonry has been in existence but there are records that refer to a type of Masonry long before the birth of Christ. It is thought that Masonry in a certain form started in Crete and then spread to Greece, then to Tyre in Phoenicia. It was then considered to be composed of Carpenters, Woodworkers, Stone-cutters, those experienced in working with gold, silver, copper and brass, as well as those who were experts in cutting and polishing precious and semi-precious stones. These artificers travelled from one construction site to the next. Since these groups would be in one place for considerable time, they lived together in what was then called a Logia, what we now call a Lodge. These craftsmen because of their ability were given certain privileges not given to others. Then the prosperity of a country was not reckoned in gold and silver but in the construction of churches, cathedrals, bridges, aqueducts and so on. These travelling workers eventually came to Tyre, where the King was very anxious to have his people learn as much as possible from them. The Phoenicians soon became very adept. About this time God had ordered King David to build Him a temple, giving him very specific directions as to size, shape, construction. The Israelites were not noted for their building ability; King Solomon made an agreement with the Phoenicians to act as builders, the Israelites to supply the men, materials and labour. It is said that 80,000 were employed for seven years at this project with six more years to furnish it. The stone was cut to size and finished before it left the quarries, some being as large as 30' x 2' x 48'. The cedar beams were from the forests of Lebanon. They too were cut to size before they left the forest, a type found nowhere else in the world. The gold, silver brass and copper were also shaped, cast or formed before they were taken to the Temple where they fitted perfectly. The gold inlay, the precious and semi precious stones were also cut polished and fitted before being taken to the Temple. And so the Temple was built without the sound of mallet, saw or chisel in the Temple itself. There is much more to say about the history of Masonry; our present conception can be traced back to 1717 when it was prevalent in England, Ireland and Scotland. There were bound to be differences but in 1813 an agreement was made; a stable and conformate Masonry was established in England. In Canada there also was difficulty in establishing true Masonry with permission from England; it was finally accomplished; the centenary was celebrated in 1956. Many lodges were 5 to 10 years older. The Tavistock Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons was formed on June 13, 1922. The Charter members were: Hubert H. Reid, George F. Holley, Walter F. Seigner, Harry Turner, Fred W. Stock, Richard Hansen, William J. Ratz, Gordon L. Ratz, Stanley McDermott, Ray B. Waddle, Lorne W. Appel, James V. Field, Dr. Phillip Herold, Wm J. Holloway, Walter Gibson, Dr. f. W. Cauthorpe, George Tinney, Frederick Krug, Bert C. Ratz, Fred Weston. This was not the start of Free Masonry in Tavistock, besides those mentioned many were in the habit of travelling to Stratford by train, or other means, on Lodge Night. From this small beginning there grew a substantial lodge. It is very interesting to note that when Walter Schaefer was initiated, the chairs were occupied by W.J. Ratz, G.L. Ratz and B.C. Ratz. When James H. Francis was installed as Master, his father was the installing Master. When Peter J. Francis was initiated, his father and grandfather were there and took an active part. Also last year Lorne W. Appel, a charter member, initiated his son into Masonry. This is the case many times in Masonry and must be a source of gratification to any father. In my opinion William J. Ratz is one of the outstanding masons in this area: Walter Gibson. former secretary for the Tavistock Milling Company, will soon become one of the outstanding masons in Ontario. Many others have devoted much time to their lodge. No matter to whom you speak, all will say that Masonry is not a religion, nor is it ever meant to replace one's religion. It is not anti-morality. It is founded on these principles. There are a number of Tavistock masons who have been promoted to a higher rank, such as Right Worshipful, Very Worshipful and many Past Masters. The late Stanley Loveys was the first D.D.G.M. from our lodge. His son Eric is a Past Master. Since June 13, 1922, Tavistock Lodge No. 609 of the Grand Lodge of the Province of Ontario has held its meetings in the same building, on the top floor of the McKay (Fleischauer) Block on Hope St.W. The lodge rooms were on the west side and heated by a wood-burning stove. As long as I can remember Mr. John A. Krug was the unofficial stove-tender, and he would go over to the rooms and start the stove in the afternoon to take off the chill for the evening meeting. And if the meeting was short, and sometimes they were, no doubt owing to the fact that the Master's chair was farthest from the heat, there would be three or four games of euchre started right after the meeting, with John making the coffee. It was at one of these sessions that the subject of buying the building was discussed since it was to be sold by the estate of Mr. George McKay who had died in Toronto. Mr. Ted.H. Peine, a barrister and Mason of New Hamburg, was asked to attend a meeting to suggest the most practical way of purchasing and running the building. To form a company was too expensive; he suggested that three permanent members buy it and have it registered in the their names. They would be members of the building committee to which the Master and his two Wardens would be added. The building was purchased in 1946 by the committee of Robert Rudy, chairman, C.J. Kaufman, secretary-treasurer, and Dr. Jack K. Fisher . Extensive repairs were done on the building and the three backed notes at the bank to carry them out. Harry Nuttall was Master at the time of purchase. During the year 1946-47, it was decided to move to the larger room on the east side, which had been used as a public hall and had a good-sized stage in it. This was torn out and renovations started. I well remember the cursing and cussing during the removal of up to seven layers of paper on the wall, with paint and varnish added. The lodge room was eventually moved and duly dedicated with a large number of Grand Lodge members present as well as many visitors from the surrounding district. I well remember some of them sitting on the floor for lack of enough seating. Robert Rudy was Master at the time. The twenty-fifth anniversary was held in 1947, and "yours truly" was Junior Warden to close the meeting with the Junior Warden's Charge, I said "Sorry to meet....". much to my chagrin; however we had a very pleasant meeting and dinner in the Library Hall. The decorating of the lodge rooms was by no means complete and members were approached for contributions for this project. Had it not been for the patience of James H. Francis, the $1000 rug would never have been possible. A fine member of the Knights of Columbus, who was a good friend of the solicitor of funds, freely donated brocade material for the windows. He observed that he would probably not see them, being a K. of C. It took almost four years to complete the Lodge Room but it is one of the finest for its size in the district. In 1965 the hall had a deficit of $19. This of course has been met in spite of a new roof, new eavestroughs, repair to window sills and brickwork, plus a new $800 front and two entrances for the stores on the ground floor, installation of toilets and wash-basins done by the building committee, along with the interior refinishing of the rooms, the installation of a fairly good kitchen, the upholstering of the chairs by member labour. The stores on the ground floor were originally occupied by Pletsch Electric and Anne's Beauty Salon, with Anne McDonald as proprietor. Later Miss Ruth Merlow (now Mrs. Lorne Fuhr), purchased the business from her. Seltzers Dry Goods Store finally located here on the east side, and when Pletsch Electric moved to its new quarters in the Schefer(Weitzel) Bock, the building committee cut an arch between the stores to give Seltzers the whole lower floor with two entrances. The activities of the Tavistock Lodge continuue. In five years it will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary and many of those who worked faithfully in its inception and growth will have gone to the Grand Lodge Above where the Most High reigns Forever and Ever. Masters of the Tavistock Lodge No. 609 The Lodge Rooms are reached by a stairway from the centre door. |
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