Each summer the Tavistock Band Tattoo brings pleasure to thousands, The earlies one recorded was in 1923. Since 1945 it has been an annual event, with the best in band music, the finest of vaudeville, and T.V. Entertainers. Where else could you see Zena Cheevers, top twirler, the Preston Scout House Band the marching band of St. John's Girls College, the St. Marys Marching Band! The combined efforts of the bandsmen and members of other clubs are well rewarded, when you consider that in 1958, 5500 people filled the bleachers in the Park. But in a changing world, the old gives place to the new, and for the past two years. Tavistock was the only community in a wide area to feature a tattoo.
In paying tribute to the band, great credit must be given to the conductors, George Kneisel was a member of the earliest and a leader of the next. Also serving were Frank Berger and Andrew Daub, from North Easthope, who used to bring several ladies along from his district. Serving first as assistant for many years. Ernst C. (Fance) Seltzer, was appointed conductor in April 1933, he served in this capacity for more than 20 years, until he joined the Hamilton Teaching Staff. Harry I. Boyd was in charge of a Junior Band for approximately three years. The present conductor is Spencer (Ben) Weston, since September 1954.
It is rather interesting to note that the sons and grandsons of members of the original band are to be found in the present; it seems to be in the blood. Otto Wilker, who has served as secretary since 1944, and Harold, "Doc", are the sons of Henry Wilker, at the far left, front row of the right hand band, May 25 1895. Wm. Seltzer with his sons Ron and Ken are descended from Jacob Seltzer playing trumpet in the 1884 band.]
It is hoped that the Band will be remembered for its musical contribution to life of the Village and the community, hearing distance of the citizens, such as R.C.A.F. Training Command Band, and when you sit on the bleachers at the park, the ten permanent ones with the steel supports are the Centennial contribution of the Tavistock Citizens' Band.

May 24, 1961 Time off for Cokes at Rudy's:
Fred Funk, Dave Brodhagen, John Klein, Spencer Weston (leader), Bob Gladding, Harold Schlitt, Len Lemp, Otto Wilker, Lorne Yausie
Ronald Seltzer, James Wilker, John Schultz, Harold Wilker, Ken Wilhelm, Clare Ruby, Ronald Wilker