May 11, 1911
Under the Dominion Charter bonds were now being sold with British capital said to be backing the venture.
May 25, 1911
A Toronto despatch told of a contract to run a line to Detroit, from Guelph to London via Berlin and Woodstock, eventually to Toronto with inter-urban lines to Collingwood, Owen Sound, Goderich, Pt. Huron, Pt. Stanley. It was announced that municipalities had subscribed $295,000 and individuals $150,000.
July 29, 1911
The Canadian Northern Railway may take over the Peoples Railway was the announcement after the election of the new directors at Berlin over the objection of the Bugg Brothers.
Transport Firms
For about twenty-five years after the turn of the century, the horse was the chief means of conveyance for man and goods. Our Village was a self-sufficient unit with its carriage and wagon and cutter and sleigh manufactories, its harness makers and its horse breeders. Contractors would fetch their lime from Beachville by horse and team with an intermediate stop at Strathallan. Fine teams of greys would wear their sponge-filled straw hats as they pulled their loads of flour to bakeries in the near-by towns; gravel dealers reckoned their deliveries in wagon loads of 1-1/2 yards, which they unloaded by tilting out the composite floor after removng the logging chain, levered tightly around the sides and bottom. Today we cannot be termed even a "one-horse" town, for even the milkman has been motorized.
With the decline of freight traffic after the great strike of 1910, the gas-driven motor truck or transport has tken over. Among the earliest firms serving Tavistock was the Gerber Transport Ltd., with its offices in the former Bricker Building north of the Arlington Hotel. Among its drivers from 1952 to 1959 was Robert Brodrecht, This firm is still carrying on business from R.R. No. 1, Shakespeare.
M. & S. Transport has been formed by Kenneth Mogk and Neil Stere with the purchase of some of the Gerber equipment. Their headquarters is on the farm formerly owned by Miss Helen Murray on the 10th Concession of East Zorra.
The Brodrecht Transport Ltd., on William St. S., just beyond the town limits, Box 403, Tavistock, has been built up by the purchase of the equipment of Lamar Schumm in 1961, after Mr. Brodrecht had hauled milk to the German Union Cheese Factory for two years. Even in slack times 4 or 5 trips a week are made to Toronto from the farms and factories of this district. The loads consist of livestock, feeds and fertilizers and other produce.
Before 1912 - since the red letter-box is missing from the front corner. Note the signal light, jutting out from the roof and the mechanism at the right for setting the semaphore, 1/2 mile to the South-east, just beyond St. Paul's Cemetery on Roth Street.
(Arthur Ford, left; Mr. Tom Dryden, left on platform)