Official Opening ...

Tavistock Public School
- Friday, October 21, 1966
- at 8:00 p.m.
- Public School Board
- Tavistock, Ontario
- Programme
- Dr. E.S. Gibson - Chairman
- O Canada
- Invocation and Dedication - - - - - The Rev. James Warden, President, Tavistock Ministerial Assn.
- Welcome and Introduction of Trustees and Platform Guests - - - - - Dr. E.S. Gibson, Chairman, Tavistock Public School Board
- Musical Selection - - - - - Miss Ida Kollman and Students
- Introduction of Guest Speaker - - - - - Dr. Bruce Halliday, Board Member
- Guest Speaker - - - - - Dr. Walter J. Koerber, Director, Special Education Services, Scarborough Board of Education
- Appreciation - - - - - Geo. R. Wilhelm, Vice-Chairman, Tavistock Public School Board
- Musical Selections - - - - - Miss Ida Kollman and Students
- Greetings
- S.B. Oakes, Assistant to the Superintendent, School Area No. 5
- R.G. Boyce, Inspector, Perth No. 1 and Waterloo No. 4
- J.H. Crammond, Inspector, Perth No. 2 and Oxford No. 3
- Hugh Munro, Warden, Oxford County
- Harold A. Wilker, Reeve of Tavistock
- Percy J. Wettlaufer, Reeve of East Zorra Twp.
- Gordon W. Pittock, M.L.A., Oxford
- Wally Nesbitt, M.P., Oxford
- Presentations
- The Bible - - - - - T.E. Jackson, Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Assn.
- The Keys - - - - - B. Garratt, Architect, Guenther Mohrmann, Contractor
- Introduction of Principal - - - - - Dr. E.S. Gibson, Chairman, Tavistock Public School Board
- Introduction of Staff - - - - - Douglas Hiderley, Principal, Tavistock Public School
- Announcements
School Board
Chairman - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. E.S. Gibson
Vice-Chairman - - - - - - - - Geo. R. Wilhelm
Clare J. Brenner
C. Robert Gladding
Dr. Bruce Halliday
D.H. Jutzi
Secretary-Treasurer - - - - - E.A. Kalbfleisch
- Officials
- R.F. Bornhold, B.A., M.Ed., Superintendent of Education, Area No. 5, Midwestern Ontario
- J.A. Crammond, B.A., M.Ed., Inspector, Perth No. 2 and Oxford No. 3
The Staff
Principal |
Mr. Douglas Hiderley, B.A. |
| Miss Sharon Bateman |
| Mr. Ronald Becker |
| Mrs. Rita Bell |
| Mr. Keith Mallory |
| Miss Nancy Neeb |
| Mrs. Gloria Reibling |
| Mrs. Ruth Rosenberg |
| Miss Elaine Ruby |
Music Supervisor |
Miss Ida Kollman |
Principal's Relief |
Mrs. Edith Henderson |
| Mrs. Adeline Burton |
School Nurse |
Miss Elsie Holden, Reg.N. |
Custodian |
Mr. Fred Currah |
Tavistock Public School
The history of the buildings used by the Public School students of Tavistock makes an interesting story, appropriate to the present occasion. It seems to divide itself conveniently into three main eras.
The first era covered the period from the founding of Tavistock in 1848 to approximately 1880, during which time local students attended school at Sebastopol. Following a brief transitional period when the Sebastopol School became overcrowded and Tavistock students used rooms above the sheds at the Commercial Hotel, the second era began with the construction in the early 1890's of the two ground floor rooms of our recently vacated school. About 1895 a basement room was opened, followed in 1898 by the addition of the two rooms upstairs. Finally in 1916 the two front rooms facing the street were added.
The third era, which officially begins this evening, is the result of the combined efforts of the Tavistock Public School Boards of the past ten years. In keeping with modern trends in education, the old Union School Section of Tavistock and part of East Zorra Township was enlarged in 1965 to include that part of the Township north of the Maplewood sideroad, giving a Public School population of over 300 students.
To adequately accommodate this number of students, the architectural firm of Kyles and Kyles was engaged in 1965 to design a suitable new school capable of further expansion as Tavistock grows. After much consideration the present site was selected such that the new school, the Community Hall, and the Arena might compliment each other in providing Tavistock and the surrounding community with the optimum in educational, cultural and recreational facilities.
The School will be open for inspection immediately following the programme.