Fact & Fantasy: A History of Tavistock & District Organizations - Page 113-114


The Rotary Club of Tavistock

The Rotary Club of Tavistock was fathered by the rotary Club of Woodstock. Through the efforts of Al Mulligan and Frank Hogg under the presidency of Clare McPherson, a roster of charter members met at the Arlington Hotel on June 14, 1948. A provisional club was authorized by District Governor Bill Calder of Woodstock and a charter was sought from Rotary International at Evanston, Illinois. The granting of Charter # 6998 was authorized by telegram on August 1 and the presentation of it arranged by the Woodstock Club in a gala ceremony at the Arena on September 24. The Charter Members were: Floyd D. Bricker, K. Art Brown, Dr. George V. Burton, Walter G. Faber, Dr. John K. Fisher, James H. Franics, Charles J. Kaufman, Dr. Wm.O. Kaufman, Mayne Klein, John Lemp, Paul K. Morgenroth, Harry Nuttal, Gordon L. Ratz, Robert Rudy, Carl J. Seltzer, Joseph Steinman, Peter Steinman, Fred W. Stock, Wilfred Strahm, Dr. Harold M. Taylor, Herbert C. Weicker, Emerson Weitzel, Fred Weston, George S. Zimmerman, Harry Zimmerman, L. Howard Zimmerman.

The first Board of Directors was:
President - L. Howard Zimmerman
Vice-Pres - Dr. Harold M. Taylor
Secretary - Carl J. Seltzer
Treasurer - Emerson Weitzel
Directors - Walter G. Faber
- Dr. W. O. Kaufman
- Gordon L. Ratz
Sgt-at-Arms - Mayne Klein

The Board of Directors for 1966-67 is:
President - Henry Hallam
Vice-pres - Dr. Dick Tenbergen
Secretary - Dr. Wayne Weston
Treasurer - L.Howard Zimmerman
Directors- Peter J. Franics
- Frank Bickle
- Ted Mallon
Sgt-at-Arms - Lonny Zehr

The following have served as president for a year, running from July 1 to the next:
1949-50 - Dr. Harold M. Taylor
1950-51 - Walter G. Faber
1951-52 - Dr. John K. Fisher
1952-53 - Harry Nuttall
1953-54 - Floyd S. Bricker (deceased)
1954-55 - Charles J. Kaufman (deceased)
1955-56 - Fred W. Stock
1956-57 - Harry Zimmerman
1957-58 - Dr. Bruce Halliday
1958-59 - Eric G. Loveys
1959-60 - James H. Francis
1960-61 - Sam MacDougall
1961-62 - Paul K. Morgenroth
1962-63 - Russell C. Houghton
1963-64 - Carl J. Seltzer
1964-65 - David Jutzi
1965-66 - Walter Schaefer
1966-67 - Peter Francis
1967-68 - Henry Hallam

The office of secretary has been held by Carl J. Seltzer for the first fifteen years, with Dr. Bruce Halliday and Dr. Wayne Weston during the last five. Emerson Weitzel was first treasurer, and was succeeded by Paul Morgenroth and Dr, Bruce Halliday and L. Howard Zimmerman who is the present incumbent.

The projects of the Club began with the raising of funds for a Community Hall by holding Fall Frolics, that used to be the province of the Rink Committee. Some $6000 was raised in this way. It has conducted the local Easter Seal Campaign for the Ontario Society for Crippled Children since 1950 and receipts have increased each year, reaching over $1700 in 1966. Other projects included co-sponsoring $1700 in 1966. Other projects included co-sponsoring of Boys' Hockey, Soap Box Derby, Art Classes under Reg. Selfe, Teen Town, Day Camps in 1950, 1951, Adventure in Citizenship, an annual Chicken Barbecue since 1964, and a Centennial Beard Contest, In October 1967, and a Centennial Beard Contest. In October 1967, the Scholarship Committee with the aid of Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School. Set up the Tavistock Memorial Scholarship to commemorate the tragic death of six Tavistonians: Robert Sparling, Robert Schlitt, Ronald Zehr, Terry Schwartzentruber, Karl J. Seltzer, Mrs. Anne Seltzer.

The most ambitious project is the publishing of Fact and Fantasy the history of Tavistock and community, t commemorate Canada's Centennial 1967.

The membership has risen as high as 27 and sunk as low as 12; the present membership is 21. Rotary fellowship has been enjoyed and shared by more than 60 of Tavistock and Hickson's business and professional men. They have met men and women from near and far, through this world-wide organization that numbers 633,000 members in 143 countries (July 1, 1968).

The club has met in various locales on Mondays at 6:45 p.m. - the Arlington Hotel, in the Olde Homestead, in the Parish Hall, in the home of the Quehls, at the Greystone Restaurant of Peter and Joan Steinman, in the Library Hall, in the Legion Halll since January 1, 1963, where Mrs. Quehl and her staff of Miss Frieda Neeb and Mrs. Percy Wettlaufer provide the choice catering that makes our meetings so satisfying to our many visitors.

Mentions must be made of the Rotary Annes, the wives and friends of the members. Without their active support many of our projects could not succeed; the Chicken Barbecue would be understaffed, the Governor and his wife could not be so charmingly entertained. And so it is a pleasure to grant them a Ladies' Night and a Christmas Party along with the children.

The First Rotary Executive


E. Weitzel, Treas; C. J. Seltzer, Secy; W. O. Kaufman, Director; M. Klein, Sgt-at-arms; H. M. Taylor, Vice-pres; W. Faber, Director, W. Bill Calder, Dist. Gov.; L. H. Zimmerman, President 1948-49; G. L. Ratz, Director; Walter Scholz, Guest Speaker.

The Present Executive


Back Row: Theodore Mallon, Frank Bickle, Peter Francis, Lonny Zehr
Front Row: L. Howard Zimmerman, Dr. Dick Tenbergen, Henry Hallam, Dr. Wayne Weston

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