Fact & Fantasy: A History of Tavistock & District Education - Page 72-73


Balance on hand from 1909 $1295.64
Refund on Urban grant 96.00
Rebate on examination 9.94
Gov. grant to Continuation School 305.15
Grant from Education Dept. 28.50
County grant for Cont. School 305.15
E. Zorra Levy for schools 289.35
Tavistock levy for schools 2151.71
Provincial urban school grant 93.00
Interest on money deposited 11.35
Continuation class fees 82.50
Non-resident pupils' fees 41.00
1909 Overpayment of levy $ 221.03
Salaries for teachers 2,164.00
Fire Escapes 105.00
Fuel 148.63
Caretaking with extras 154.50
Special grant to teacher 30.00
Examination expenses 27.05
Int. on overdraft 1.95
REPAIRS $ 127.39
Mail & Empire, advt. teachers 1.96
Daily Globe. advt. teachers 1.96
Mrs. Dalgleish, refund on fees 1.00
N.E. Dopp. financial statements 1.00
printing bills 1.00
Bell Telephone, re teachers 2.55
Daily Globe. ad re teachers 2.00
J S. Koch, livery to Wellburn 2.50
Bell Telephone Co. re teachers 1.35
F. H. Leslie, printing bills 1.25
P. McDonald, expenses, trips 5.15
Daily Globe, advt. re teachers 2.72
Mail & Empire 1.48
P. McDonald, secy-treas. 10.00
$ 35.92
J. McAnish, pine and spruce trees 12.85
Batteries, Fag pole, chemicals 108.72
$ 121.57
TOTAL $3,137.04

ROSTER OF TEACHERS that served in Tavistock Public and Continuation Schools - The information has been gleaned from the records by Misses B. Currah and E. Rudy and some left with me by Mr. J.A. Seltzer, before he left for Orangeville, since we had planned to record the activities long ago; in fact as far back as 1938 the Men's Club had commissioned him, K. Hart Brown and Charles Klein to look into a history of Tavistock.

Name Date Div.
Aitken, Miss 1904 - 05 TPS
Alles, Miss Edith 1920 - 29 TPS
Appel, Miss Vera 1910 - supply TPS
xtmann, James 1960 - 65 Prin. TPS
Baines, Miss 1910 TPS
Ballantyne, Edwin 1935 - 39 TPS
Bateman, Sharon 1965 - Jan. - TPS
1965 - Sept.
Becker, Ronald 1966 -
Bell, Miss Adna 1913 - supply TCS
Bell, Miss Jessie N. 1910 1916 - 24 TCS
Bell, Mrs. Rita 1959 - Dec.; 196_ TPS
Bender, Miss Shirley 1968 - TPS
Bornholdt, Miss 1880 - 1898 (? ) TPS
Boyd, Harry I. 1940 - 43
1946 - 50 Prin. TCS
Bretz, Abraham 1880 First Prin. TPS
Buckel, Miss 1909 - 10 TPS
Cameron, Miss c 1895 TPS
Cameron, Charles 1898 - 1902 Prin. TCS
-gift presented by Vera Appel & Bert Ratz on Dec. 27, 1902
Campbell, Miss 1904 - 05 TPS
Carlyle, H.H. 1929 - 35 Prin. TCS
Carr, Miss 1902 - 04TPS
Carswell, Miss E.A. 1913 - 14 TPS
Chalmers, Miss Pearl 1907 - 13 TPS
- 1908 - $375
Cornell, E. Ward Jan. - June
1920 Prin. TPS
Couzens, Wilfred D. 1912 - 13 TCS
Currah, Miss Belle 1946 - 66 TPS
Day, Cyrus 1919 - 20 Prin. TPS
Dayman, Miss Francis 1959 Sept. - Dec. TPS
Dippel c 1883 TPS
Dodsworth, Harold 1954 - 55 TPS
Douglas, John 1955 - 57 TPS
Dunlop, W.J. 1904 - 07 Prin. TCS
- taught Grades IX & X as well as Public
School - 1906 - salary $692.10
- later Min. of Education of Ont.
Dunsmore, R.A. 1939 - 42 TPS
Eby, Miss Joan 1951 - 53 TPS
Edmiston, Miss Myrtle 1920 - Easter 1925 TPS
Edwards, J.J. 1910 - Dec. 1911 P. TCS
Evans, Douglas 1964 -65 TPS
Francis, Edward 1968 - TPS
Glaspell, Hugh 1903 - 04 TCS
Goetz, Miss Lillian 1914 - 16 TPS
Goldhang, Giles 1951 - 53 TCS
Grainger, Luella 1918 - 1920
Dec. Prin. TCS
Hagel, Miss E.A. 1900 - 03 TPS
- July 9, 1903 - silver cake dish presented
to her after being here 3 - 1/2 years.
Hamilton, Miss G.A. 1913 - 14 TPS
Hamilton, Miss 1903 - 05 TPS
Hamilton, Miss Margaret c 1897 TPS
- m. W Kalbfeisch Jan. 14, 1898
mother of Mrs. G.L. Ratz
Hart, William 1953 - 59 Prin. TPS
Hassard, Miss Mary 1925 Jan. - June TCS
Hicks, Davis - $800 1909 - 10 Prin. TCS

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