Fact & Fantasy: A History of Tavistock & District | Annals of East Zorra - Page 11 |
The Annals of East Zorra
Council accepted the offer of J.W. Green of Tav. Gazette to do the printing of the year for $65, bought a new road machine from Sawyer-Massey, f.o.b. Innerkip for $235. Assessor gave statistics of: 48 births, 23 deaths and 13 marriages in last 1/2 of 1898. October 16, 1902 John Caister farm auctioned off by Auctioneer David Rudy to son Edwin Caister for $10,000; house on Maria Street not sold; bid was too low. - peat found on farms of David Rudy and Christian Bast and Rev. Jacob Bender. December 11, 1902 The bell at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church was dedicated in a morning service by Rev. Langholz of Philipsburg and Rev. Veit, the pastor. NOMINATIONS January 1, 1903 REEVE: L. Kaufman, David Rudy, A.H. Goring, W. Thompson, Wm. Stock COUNCILLORS: Erastus Burgess, E.W. Town, James Gould, Ed. Parker, James Vance, John McLevin, Thomas Lancaster, Francis Badden, Steven McKay, Robert Murray, J. Cowing, W.B. Murray A year ago the electors had decided in favour of commuting statute labour and on the strength of this mandate from the people, the council had acted. The road commissioner had replaced the pathmasters but had not been able to do as much work as he had planned owing to the wet weather. He was willing to remit $125 of his $500 to make allowance for same. Mr. Kaufman took pains to explain that "statute labour had not made the good roads of today; they were made largely by the grants of the council" February 5, 1903 Council met, pursuant to statute, Jan. 12, and on Jan. 19th. Principal work done at both meetings was the appointment of Township Officers as follows: - Assessor - Albert Wess - Tax Collector - Robt. Mitchell - M.H.O. - Dr. A.N. Hotson - Sanitary Inspectors - Jas. D. McKay, Tavistock; George Hotson, Innerkip. Board of Health - Wm. S. Russel, Tavistock; Archie McLevin, Hickson; James R. Hill, Woodstock; reeve and clerk. The township was divided into five districts for expenditure of township funds on roads and bridges as follows: The sum of $500 being appropriated to each commissioner, this to include expenditures on boundary lines: S.-W. Div. - Wm. B. Murray, Woodstock S.-E Div. - Francis Badden, Woodstock Centre - Edwin Parker, Braemar N.-E. Div. - Wm. Stock, Cassel N.-W. Div. - Robert Murray, Tavistock Agreement was made with Louis Kaufman, Road Commissioner, 1902, to relinquish $125.00 of his salary as such and to expend the balance of commutation funds of 1902, except portion required for keeping roads open in winter. Road Overseers for 1903 One hundred and one names are listed including Christian Strahm, Jr., Edward Alles. Pound-Keepers for 1903 Twenty names including: T.J. Loveys, Henry Fuhr, D.W. Rudy, Herman Bollert, James Vance, Fred Liebler, John Heinbuch. Fence Viewers Twelve names were listed. Other Officials: Township Printer - F.H. Leslie Treasurer - A. Miller Clerk - Jas. Anderson June 4, 1903 The council agreed to pay 1/3 of the cost of a five-foot sidewalk to run from Kaercher's shop to Valentine Stock's corner, along the south side of Woodstock St., a distance of 550 feet, as a request had been made by George Staebler. March 23, 1905 Council met at the Township Hall in Strathallan on March 13th at 10 a.m. Assessor reported all taxes collected except $2.95 on a lot in Innerkip. 103 road overseers were appointed. Petitions were received not to move the township hall, but the Hickson deputation offered a free site and the sum of $400 to have it moved there. Council decided to look into it. May 20, 1909 Council gave a grant of $225 toward a side-walk from the Station to the 12th line in Hickson. Cow tags for Highway pasture were to cost $1 per year. |
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