Fact & Fantasy: A History of Tavistock & District Subscribers - Page 178


The Subscribers whose generosity made possible this publication.
  I. Appel, Dayton - carpenter
  2. Bender, Delton - farmer
  3. Beynon, Carl - jeweller
  4. Bickle, Frank - apple grower
  5. Bleay, Percy - Zimmerman & Bleay Fur Farms
  6. Blum, Lloyd - butcher
  7. Bourne Mrs. Hilda - hair stylist
  8. Brodrecht Transport
  9. Brunk, Oliver - radio & TV
10. Burton, Dr. George - veterinarian
11. Campbell, Mrs. Darlene - Town & Country Beauty Bar
12. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - Harry Gardner mgr.
13. Croft, Mrs. Mary - hairstylist
14. Currah, Fred - school busses
IS. Ducklow, William - reeve; poultry
16. Engel, Henry - machine repair
17. Facey, Roy - turnip hipper
18. J.G. Field & Co. Ltd. - yarns & sock
19. Fisher Dr. J .K. - physician
20. Forbes, Phillip - Orr Insurance agent
21. Francis, James H. - Funeral Director
22. Franc is, Peter - Funeral Directorv 23. Fuller, Dr. Donald - Tav. Medical Gp.
24. Funk, Fred - Rawleigh agent
25. Gascho, John - service station
26. Gravi ston, Ralph - barber
27. Hallam, Henry
28. Halliday, Dr. Bruce - Tav. Medical Gp.
29. Heinbuch, Robert - farmer
30. Home & School Association of Tavistock
31. Houghton, Russell - VW garage; body shop
32. Johnston, Wm. J. - nursing homes
33. Junker, Lorne - turnip hipper
34. Jutzi, David H. - oil fuel
35 . Kalbfleisch, Emerson A. - insurance
36. C. J. Kaufman Ins. Agency - Mrs. Audrey Routly
37. Kaufman, Lloyd
38. Kaufman, Marie
39. Lamb Mrs. Kathryn - Kitchener
40. Lemp, Leonard - druggist
41. Leslie, Frank H. - The Evening Review Niagara Falls, Ont.
42. S.T. Loveys Ltd. - Hickson, Ont.
43. Lichti, Ken - barber
44. Mallon, Theodore
45. Matthies, Robert - backhoe service
46. The McConnell Nursery Co. Ltd. - Michel Cattrysse
47. McDermott Food Market
48. McDermott, Stanley - garage
49. Morgenroth Ltd. - insurance
50. Neeb, Clarence - boots and shoes
51. Neeb, Frieda
52. Nuttall, Harry - Nuttall's Sale & Service
53. Otto, Rudolph - contracting; steel products
54. Piehl, Ernest C. - machine shop
55. Pletsch Electricv 56. Quehl, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
57. Ramseyer, Alvin
58. Riedel, Heinz & Kathe - laundromat
59. Rogers, Leslie - Les & Hap's
60. Roth Stanley - oil fuel
61. Robert Rudy Ltd.
62. Schaefer, Walter - service station
63. Schoeck, Steve
64. Schmidt, Bruce - body shop
65. Schwantz, Helen - piano instruction
66. Seltzers - dry good
67. Sippel Earl - garage & motor sales
68. Smith, Mrs. R.R. - St. Petersburg, Florida
69. Sommers Mo tor & Generator Sales
70. Steinman, Clarence - Les & Haps
71. Stock Fred A. - farmer
72. Stock, Fred W.
73. South Easthope Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company
74. Tavistock Dairy - Mahlon Leis
75. The Tavitock Gazette - K. Hart Brown
76. Tavistock Sewage Disposal - Patterson & Ruby
77. Tavistock Women's Institute
78. Taylor, Dr. Harold M. - Tavistock Med. Gp.
79. Tenbergen, Dr. Dick - veterinarian
80. The Village of Tavistock Centennial Committee
81. Vogt, Edgar - machine hop
82. Weicker Brothers - butcher
83. Weicker, Fred - plumbing & heating
84. Weir, Dr. Frederick D. - dentist - New Hamburg
85. Weston's Bakery
86. Weston , Dr. Wayne - Tav. Medical Gp.
87. Wettlaufer, C.C. - egg circle
88. Wettlaufer, Ronald - painter & decorator
89. Wilker, Bruce - contractor
90. Wilker, Harold A. - groceteria
91. Woelfle, Harold - plumbing & tinsmithing
92. Yantzi Brothers - builders
93. Yantzi's Hardware
94. Yantzi, LaVerne - seed & feed mill
95. Yantzi, Nelson - floor coverings etc.
96. Zehr Amos - auctioneer
97. Zehr, Austen -
98. Zehr, Lonny J. - construction
99. Zehr Christian O. - farm implements
100. Zimmerman, L. Howard - Village of Tavistock
101. Village of Tavistock


Inadvertently the names of the following subscribers were omitted from the list on page 178. The committee regrets this very much.

102. Erb's Millwork - James Alexander
103. Krug, Robert E. - Funeral Director
104. Klein Brothers Home Hardware
105. Krug's Meat Market - DOn Mutch and Elmer Neeb
106. Gord's Supertest - Gordon Neeb

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