Fullick, Henry James

World War II, 1939-1945

R.C.A.F. Ground Crew

Born: August 4th, 1919
Died: August 27, 2017 at Stratford General Hospital
Attended: S.S. 1, Cassel, Hickson, Woodstock Collegiate
After School: Eurkea Foundary, Woodstock
Enlisted: February 10th 1941
Trained: St. Thomas Technical Training School; #16 S.F.T.S. Hagersville; No.1 Reconnaissance Navigation School, Summerside, PEl; RCAF, Aylmer
Served: Canada
Medals and Awards: C.V.S.M.
Discharged: September 10th 1945
After the War: Eurkea Foundary; Borden Co. Ltd.; Oxford Regional Centre
Family: Parents - Charles and Louis (Junker) Fullick
Wife - Elsie Turton
Sons - Paul, John (wife Jane)
Daughter - Nancy (Mrs. Sherman) Kropf
Comments: Member of the Tavistock Legion #518; Tavistock Masonic Lodge, AF and AM #609; Hickson Fire Department; Hickson United Church Board

** more information available in hard copy form at the museum / archives