Railway Elevators-The silos were built in the early 20's by Martin Woelfle, Sr.


Another Landmark Vanishes April 30, 1980 Gazette

Not much activity is seen along the rail line in Tavistock these days, but when something does arise, there's surely to be a crowd. Such was the case last Tuesday, when a large crane arrived in Robert Rudy Ltd's lumber yard along the tracks. The event was an historic one, but not of a constructive nature, indeed it was a destructive act taking place. The double silos fell to the wrecker's ball, but not without a fight. A 3,000 lb. ball was swung intently and consistently at the steel-reinforced concrete silos. A day's work found only one structure could be felled. This is certainly a credit to the builders. - Lackie Bros, and Robert Matthies Construction worked together to remove the debris and the job was completed Wednesday leaving the frame building as the only memory of their existence. The silos had originally been built to house coal by Martin Woelfle Sr. (grandfather of Harold Woelfle) who, it is said, delivered his product in a brand new truck while other dealers 'were still drawing their coal with horses. The silos passed into other hands over the years and the late Harry Nuttall used them as grain storage silos. When Yantzi Feed & Seed Ltd. was formed buying out the Nuttall enterprise, the silos went into Yantzi's hands. They were never really used by this firm with the land being leased from Canadian National (CN).