Swastika Mine -1911-See info attached


SWASTIKA. Ont.. Oct. 9, 1911 Tavistock Gazette - Feline monstrosities of the mining stripe have not entered the Swastika camp, and consequently every move in the mine development line is more with a view to honest work in proving up ore bodies. The Swastika mining basis will remain at the present high standard, too, if the local mine men's association's efforts are not thwarted. They are determined to have a producing camp, and while the work Is being accomplished the truly speculative element will not be catered to. The mine owners are bound to build the camp on working lines with all inflation consigned to an innocuous disentude, whenever "get rich quick" means are employed The camp is growing; prospectors are the life of the two at present, while a dozen prospective mines are developing. The Traders Bank opened a branch here to-day, a vary much needed business institution. Pike Lake mines started a core drill to cut their big lead at the 100 foot depth.