The Music Teacher is Ida Kaufmann (Mrs. Conrad Hitzeroth) who taught music from 1911-1915 when she travelled to each student's home by horse and buggy (or cutter in winter) and also gave lessons to those who were able to come to the Kaufman home on the 15th line (where Darryl Bender now lives.)
She recalled leaving from the Dover Station (at the Cheese Factory) on Friday evenings to teach in student's homes in Stratford. She would teach Friday and Saturday then return home Saturday at 5:00 p.m. to the Tavistock Station.
Left to right-
Back Row: Marion Hesse (Mrs. Wilfred Smith), Margaret Facey (Mrs. James Gribben),
Ida Kaufmann, teacher (Mrs. Conrad Hitzeroth), Emma Sharp,
Mabel Schlemmer (Mrs. Charlie Yausie), Theodore Stock, Olga Kaufman (Mrs. Al Henry).
Centre row: Laura Nicklas (Mrs. Ben Dietrich), Sidney Weil,
Elizabeth Stock (Mrs. Steve Scott),Mary Bollert, Clara Kaufmann(Mrs. Roland Heinbuch), Eva Kaufman (Mrs. Gordon Sim), Elizabeth Weitzel (Mrs. Weppler), Dora Rosenberg (Mrs. Ed. Schneider)
Front Row: Anna Yungblut (Mrs. Fred Loth), Emma Kaufmann (Mrs. Milton Kaufman),
Adeline Junker.
Other students who were not present for either photo were Grace Adams (Mrs. Jim Chesney),
Joseph Bray, Katie Sellers, Jean Leonard, Pearl Hewitt and Olive Armstrong (Mrs. Walter Brown)
The photos were in the May 30. 1979, Tavistock Gazette
Music Class-Teacher -Miss Kaufman-1913 -Names Included