Jan 10, 1901
TOOK POSSESSION ON TUESDAY. For more than four years Mr. Henry Yost conducted a blacksmithing and carriage-building business here, but on Tuesday he and Mr. Henry Roedding, who has worked for him during all that time, took off their aprons and turned the business over to Kruspe Bros. Messrs Yost and Roedding made a reputation or quick and good work. We believe in two months Mr. Yost will go to Stratford where he will conduct a business of the same nature as he had here. His successors are bright, hustling young men who will no doubt do- well. They will do a general blacksmith and woodwork business, but will pay special attention to horseshoeing. Mr. S. Kruspe who has had seven years experience in good shops, recently had a shop in Wurtburg but desires to work in a larger field. These gentlemen have a reputation for good work and fair treatment of their customers. .
Kruspe Bros-Kruspe Bros-Edward and Samuel took over this shop on or near 48 Woodstock. Street North