Bank/Post Office was located at 32 Woodstock St. S. Tavistock,


Tavistock Gazette June 7, 1900
N E W POST OFFICE. Tavistock has many things of which to be proud, and not the least of them by any means is our new post office, which was opened on Tuesday, June 5 inst. It is located one door west of the Western Bank, and in the same block. Above it is the Public Library. The building, which is the property of F. Krug, is build of white brick and is altogether a line, clean, good looking block. The interior of the post office is 22x46 feet, and is finished in beautifully grained black ash. The daintily tinted metal ceiling is a handsome creation of the Preston Metal Roofing Co. The large vault, 6x8x7 ft. interior measure, is perfectly fire proof, and its interior is not expected to became even warm in case of a fire. The wood fittings are all fastened together with screws, and in case of alterations being needed they can be made without the least inconvenience to the public. The postmaster's quarters are in the shape of an L, and consequently the part of the office reserved for the public is of the same shape, thus giving any amount of room for the lock and call boxes, which number some 350 in all. This office, which is conceded by all to be good enough for a much larger place than Tavistock, is not only a credit to Tavistock and to Mr. Krug, but is one more evidence of the genius and ability of J. E. Lemp, under, whose skilful fingers the shapeless materials developed into the things of beauty of which the interior fittings of the office consist.