The Eel Immortalized

The ladies arrived in their finest outfits and many wore designer hats, not unlike those worn at the Royal Ascot races in England. The men wore their black ties and jackets. However, this occasion was not for a race to be run, but for one completed; the sometimes lengthy heat to the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame.

Loyal Orange Lodge

Tavistock L.O.L. It doesn’t immediately ring any bells for most people. The initials stand for Loyal Orange Lodge. First formed in Tavistock in 1924 the Lodge motto was “one church, one school, one God”. Gazette coverage reported the hope that the new Lodge # 2953 would flourish as they are fighting for the principles of true Protestantism with equal rights to all and special privileges to none. Just two years later the Lady Orange Lodge was formed in the village. Time passed and interest waned.

Thank you, Adam Mohr

Adam Mohr (1843 - 1913) was a local farmer just south of the village of Tavistock. In 1876 he sold part of his land for a new housing development in Tavistock. We know this area now as Adam Street and Decew Street.
